Hours of Operation & Directions




Swim Center Hours of Operation

Below is a general schedule of hours.

From September through February, be sure to check the monthly pool schedule for specific availability.


March 2025 Pool Schedule





Members — Spring & Summer

6AM - 8 PM

8 AM - 6 PM

1 - 5 PM

Members —
Fall & Winter**

6 AM - 3:30 PM &
5:30-8:15 PM

8 AM - 6:00 PM**

1 - 5:00 PM**

Program Pass

Participation in scheduled classes only



*Pool closes 15 minutes prior to facility closing time

**These are minimum planned hours. Extended hours should be available during school vacations; Fall & Winter hours effective September through February except during Thanksgiving week and second half of December.


The Swim Center at Westminster School is located near the upper athletic fields on the Westminster School campus at 995 Hopmeadow Street (Route 10) in Simsbury. (Swimmers are prohibited by Town of Simsbury zoning regulations from using the gated rear campus entrance – please use the main entrance only.)


Take a left at the stop sign at the top of the main entrance driveway. The Westminster Athletic Complex which houses the Swim Center will be directly in front of you.


Turn left in front of the Athletic Complex and park in one of the marked spaces along the left side of the road.


Please use the paved sidewalks to reach the building’s entrance located in the building’s center “tunnel”.